Monday 27 December 2010

please do come back in my life, I do miss you

First of all, sorry for the late update (esp for Azree:P). Been busy for awhile.ulakk..haha

It has been 3 months since my first step here in Moscow...many things happened here..Raya Korban, lots of colloq(test), shopping for winter coats(Y) and bla,bla, took awhile for me to suit myself here and still even after 3 month, I think I'm still in the 'settling down' period...-.-''

Had finished my lesson for the first semester and already seated the Bioorganic Chem final exam written test turns on the "heat" of upcoming 3 week Winter Break..the Mara girls spend their holidays at UK(pergh, kencang la korang(Y)) and some of the YT boys are heading to Germany..and Me?? well, as ALL of my holidays plans turned down (*nk balik msia sekejap sgt-.-''), I've made my decision to stay and explore Moscow for the rest of the is some of my place-to-go lists:

1)All the Metro station

2)All Cheapest place to look for winter coats(p/s: kalau reasonable baru along beli ye Adik-adik-.-'')

3)All the Mosque 

4)Low-Yat Moscow- Nouvi

5)All the free "ice rink"(kolam beku(Y))

6)Verobevi Gory- ski

sound exciting ehh?? I hope so*I REALLY am..

also, one more thing, I learned something really important today: 
"Allah swt always has 3 replies to our prayers; 
1. Yes
2. Yes, but not now 
3. I have a better plan for you. 
There’s never a No":)

I've may deleted her in my mind, thrown her out from my 'face'...but I never delete her in my immature, childish heart..


  1. wow. baiknya zaki nak beli coats utk adik2.

    p/s: I like it when u said there's never a no :)
