Saturday 23 October 2010

Prologue- I miss my umi here.

Having a blog doesn't mean I like writing or good in it. In fact, I hate writing and I always got a 'B'  in Penulisan in all public exam..But then, as far as I have been told, blog was a best platform to express yourself..So, I made one..with the hope that this piece of scrap will be read by all the important character in my life that defines me until today.

Living as a medical student in the land of Soviet was not as magnificent as it had been told to me.. frankly speaking, its hard living here...even to get to the class daily we had to take the bus and the "Metro"(its what the people here called the train) and it takes about one hour and half to reach our classes and lectures venue.. Sounds tiring eh??

About the whether and climate, its freaking cold all-year-long except when summer- a good news for the one with hyperhydrosis like me:).....its a very nice feeling  when you are wearing 3 layers of shirts,wrapped up with a sweeter and still you didn't sweat(Y)...

Solat?? living in a non-Muslim country really put my Islamic knowledge to the test..a Kiblat compass, a small water bottle(for istinjak and wudhu) and a small sejadah are a must for me everytime I go out, as there is no proper place for the Muslims here to perform their prayer..So, any place could be a 'surau'...under the stairs, in classrooms and even the streets...

Talk about foods, Halal food here are quite scarce..and expensive too..Even an ordinary fried rice or "Plof" would priced about 10 ringgit..and this condition really made a huge hole in my pocket..even the Yayasan Terengganu students(they got 800USD for their monthly pocket money-.-'') cook thier own meal to handle this awful money sucking for me, everytime I cooked(I cook OKAY!!), I always remember my Umi...I missed her sweet,firm voice(skyping is never enough),all her useful-but-poignant lectures and most of all her cook..anak Umi la katekan..

But then, as the old saying "the harder the strive, the sweeter the victory," makes me believe all this hardships will paid off...Allah never fails the one who already strive and will always guide them to what they strive for.. Although Moscow already gave herself a bad first impression to me, I'll never lost hope of having a wonderful life here..


  1. yes, true, to triumph the most, you need to strive in the hardest situation. It will make you think to struggle harder, and develop maturity in your personality, and your life. have a great day:)

  2. Huh!! You can write well zaki.. seriously.. hope you dont mind me reading ur blogs.. Your writing reminds me of my life in the state back in 1983.. I think I're a better muslim then :(
    Will always pray for you.. be strong

  3. huhu...good luck la kat perantauan org ni...standard la kena masak sendiri...lama2 nnti boleh blaja masakan russia pulak...for the least, ade sumber makanan halal...kalo harga makanan tu jgn compare with RM, kalo x, memang ko xkan makan & minum...anyway,subway train cni pon pggil "metro" jgak, tp just ade kat bndar besar cam Paris seems the environment over there are quite harsh and cold(it was already snowy, right?)...just withstand all the hardships, then you will learn how precious is the success...and don't give up while studying(especially the Russian language..)

  4. Az-Zumar [39 : 10]

    Say, "O My servants who have believed, fear your Lord. For those who do good in this world is good, and the earth of Allah is spacious. Indeed, the patient will be given their reward without account."
